I tend to get those creative ideas that won't leave me alone -- you know the kind, right? The idea keeps pestering you until you do something about it? Well, the PassBook idea was like that. I wanted to create a passport-sized booklet for use in collecting "stamps" (mini pieces of art) from others around the world.
The intro to PassBooks video is here:
and how to make a PassBook is here:
I have also recently made a SUPER duper chunky traveler's notebook style book to hold four chunky PassBooks. You can see the tutorial here:
You do not have to have a digital cutting machine to do this project, but in case you do, I have included a free SVG file for you! On a computer, click the picture below, and select to download the file.
Keep in mind that you can still follow the directions in the above video on making a chucky TN without this file.
You can also use the PDF version if you don't have a digital cutting machine. Print it off onto your printed paper / card stock and hand cut it.
Thank you for taking a look, and I hope you keep crafting!
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